Smelt winter fishing on Lūšiai lake by steering bobos
East Aukštaitian fishermen have been using the method of smelt ice fishing by steering bobos to this today. This particular fishing method was first documented at the end of the 19th century and is used in Lūšiai lake in Ignalina district. This deep and cold lake is a perfect habitat for smelt, since the water temperature at the bottom of the lake remains the same all year round.
Owing to favourable natural conditions, fishing had always thrived here, although the method of net ice fishing was perfected only in the first half of the 19th century, after the merchants started using it as a business. During the Soviet years the manual fishing method was mechanised, and it returned to its original form only after the restoration of Lithuania’s independence, when private fishermen took ownership of it.
The season for smelt fishing is very short, lasting from the 1st of January to the 31st of March. The ice must be at least 25 cm thick – this way there are no vents formed under the ice, where the depth is appropriate and the ice is evenly formed. In that spot a big ice hole is made, with about 25 small ice holes lining further from it, used for spreading the fishing net, and another great ice hole is made at the end of the line. Through the small openings in the ice the fishermen submerge the fishing net with wooden poles and ropes. The net is 300 metres long and 16 metres wide and has a special bag, called motnia, in the middle. The ropes tied to the sides of the net evenly spin around two steered bobos – the barrels on axes with diagonal poles placed on sleighs. At the end of the fishing session, the catch, called “stinkos” by the locals, is pulled by a team of fishermen through the second big ice hole.
Today this declining tradition is fostered by the local fishermen, Palūšė village community, Directorate of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park, and local government institutions. Net fishing is regulated to preserve the limited fish resource and is allowed only for those who have a special permit. However, it is possible to get acquainted with this unique, old-time way of fishing in special events and educational activities, which are popular among tourists, amateur fishermen, and media.
Submitter – Directorate of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park, 2020
Tradition bearers – Palūšė village community, local fishermen, Directorate of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park